Membership Renewal and Go Fund Me
Exciting Upgrades This Year!
The club has purchased a new Honda Pioneer 1000 Side-by-Side UTV to groom. This new machine will replace one of the ATVs, and will be able to pull a larger trail groomer, a Tidd Tech G2, which has also been purchased. With the new machine and groomer, we will be able to get the trails ready even quicker than before.

We are going to replace our current biathlon mats with PVC mats. These mats are expensive, around $200 each, so we are asking for your help in purchasing them. We have setup a gofundme page in order to buy the mats. Our goal is to be able to purchase 17 mats by the time of the January biathlon races.
We have also cut a new trail section, between the 1 km cutoff and the intersection between the inner half and outer half of the 5k. This new trail will alow us to open up more routes in low snow, or icy conditions. It will also be used on the first lap of the Mini Marathon, to avoid a mass pileup at the bottom of the first downhill. The remaining laps will do the full loop.
Membership Renewal
It is time to renew your club membership. Please download and mail in the membership form. The fees are still nly $35 for an individual and $50 for a family. With your membership you will get full use of the trails and range year round.
Trail Cleanup – November 18th
We will hold our annual trail cleanup date on Saturday November 18th. We will meet at the range at 10:00 AM, and then head out onto the trails. Lunch will be provided for all volunteers. Please confirm your plans to come on our Facebook page or via email so that Betty knows how much food to make.
NYSSRA Champs and New York Biathlon Champs Returning in 2018
The club was selected to host both the NYSSRA XC Championships and the New York Biathlon Championships this season. The events will be held on the last weekend in February. The XC races will include the Great Sacandaga Mini Marathon and a relay race. The biathlon races will consist of a sprint and a relay.
In addition we will be holding two biathlon races in January, and there will also be two XC races hosted by Shenendahowa Nordic and Adirondack Vauhti. The complete schedule is posted on the schedule page.
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